Tag Archives: DIY

Wedding Paper DIYs

Though I’m nowhere close to getting married, I’m pretty much obsessed with all things weddings. Maybe y’all have noticed? I love pouring over the details in the catering, the cake, the decorations, the dress, and pretty much every other little possibility there is in a couple’s nuptials. Unfortunately, no matter how much I like to dream, not everyone can have that $50,000 dream wedding. In browsing through some of my favorite wedding blogs and websites I stumbled upon Wedding Chicks blog, which hosts photos from real weddings as well as wedding ideas for future brides. One thing I’m L-O-V-I-N-G about their site is they have a whole section just for DIY and free downloadable projects! I’m being realistic in my future wedding plans, so knowing that this website has such pretty (and budget-friendly) invites, place cards, and other papers makes me so happy! Check out some of their free templates!

Photos from Wedding Chicks

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Filed under DIY, Weddings

My Kinda Hardware

I’ve had a giant crush on Anthropologie ever since I walked into the store in Charlotte’s South Park mall a few years ago. I can’t afford a lot of the goods they have (it turns out love can’t get you everything), but that won’t stop me from crushing on them. I’ve been thinking lately of how to re-do my the dresser I have in my room that belonged to my great grandmother without completely changing it, in case I decide to get a new one. I’m thinking some new handles would look great on it, so of course Anthropologie was the first place I looked. What do y’all think?

Photos via Anthropologie


Filed under Design, Pretty, Shopping

Spring has Sprung

Easter is here and I’m so excited because I’m going to attempt my first egg dying…since I was like 10. I’m trying to choose what different kinds of colors and patterns I want, and these all look so pretty! Maybe I’ll just have to try them all…

via Oh Joy! pinterest
via Fabulous K pinterest

And these are just some pretty spring things!

Photos via Pinterest


Filed under Beauty, Design, DIY, Fashion

Strawberry Ice Cream

If you haven’t ever had homemade strawberry ice cream you should probably go hide in a corner for a few hours…just kidding. But you need to find some or make some ASAP, because no matter what kind of day you’re having, strawberry ice cream will always make you feel better.

I went to a strawberry farm this afternoon and decided to make the first churn of ice cream for the spring/summer. And it is MARVELOUS.

My family’s super easy homemade strawberry ice cream recipe:

1 can of evaporated milk
1 1/2 cups of sugar
2 cups of strawberries (shouldn’t be optional, but it is if you want something other than strawberry ice cream)
1 1/2 teaspoons of vanilla
Almost 1/2 gallon of milk (until you reach the “full” line in the churn)

1. Put 2 cups of strawberries (with the caps cut off) into a blender. Add evaporated milk, sugar, and vanilla. Blend the mixture on the lowest setting enough to blend them into a pulp.

2. Pour the mixture into the churn. Add 1/2 gallon of milk or until it reaches the full line.

3. Put churn into ice cream maker. Keep in ice cream maker until it stops churning. It should take about 20 minutes unless it’s hot outside, then it might take longer.

4. Enjoy!


Filed under Yum

And now I’m hungry

I think the purpose of Pinterest is to make girls and women inspired to workout, and then pig out when they get home…because that’s what it makes me do. All of the recipes are so delicious! I don’t think I’ll ever have to open a recipe book again. What are some of your favorite Pinterest recipes?

Chocolate Peppermints

Confetti Popcorn

Chicken, Spinach & Goat Cheese Quesadilla with Avocado Sour Cream

Snickerdoodle Cupcakes

Strawberry Margarita Popsicles

Photos via Pinterest

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Filed under DIY, Yum

Pinterest DIYs

As you may have noticed, I’m a big Pinterest fan (check out my page here), so it shouldn’t come as a huge surprise that I have amassed (as of 1:30 am 3/11/2012) 5152 pins, about 95 of which are DIY crafts I’ve yet to attempt. It seems like I’ll have this never ending list of crafts that I either don’t have the funds, time, or patience to actually do, no matter how ADORABLE the outcomes could be. Do y’all do the same thing? I feel so lazy when I see how many things I could do for so little, but sometimes I’d just rather go out and buy a new necklace or decorative jars or soaps and save the time and hassle.

But I will promise myself to get at least a few of my favorite DIY projects done by my birthday! Y’all can even call me on it. What are some of y’all’s favorite DIY projects you’ve found on Pinterest (or other blogs/websites)? Here are some of my favorites:

Scrub/Makeup Bag/Mug/Bracelet/Tray

Photos via Pinterest


Filed under Beauty, Design, DIY, Life

Cake Pops

For those of you who have a major sweet tooth, you might understand my excitement when I found a cake ball/pop mix set at Target for $6. It seems like they’re everywhere on Pinterest, and after I saw these photos of some DIY cake balls, I decided I needed to make them.

But let me tell you…cake balls are difficult. If you have your heart set on making them look perfect and presentable instead of just delicious, maybe you should try a different recipe or a different dessert.

This is what I had hoped mine would look like:

And this is how they actually looked:

Obviously I’m great with the icing…Have any of y’all had better luck with this? I tried a kit from Target, but the icing in general didn’t work too well for me. If y’all try to do it, I’d suggest following these instructions- they seemed to work well for Emily of Cupcakes and Cashmere.

Photos via Cupcakes and Cashmere and Pinterest

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Filed under DIY, Yum

Top Knots

Top knots are legit how I wear my hair a good 75% of the time. I just get too annoyed with my hair down and then get frustrated at my various hair care products, then at my hair, then at myself. Ipso facto, the easy top knot. Though I’m sure these girls’ hair looks 10 times better than mine.

What do y’all think? Do these look cute and easy or just kind of sloppy?

Photos via Glitter Guide Pinterest



Filed under Beauty, DIY, Pretty

Nail Polish Heaven

Okay. Y’all. I’ve seriously found the best website ever if you’re obsessed with nail polish and designs. Whoever runs Pshiiit is a genious. Like hands down. She posts beautiful photos all the time of her crazy amazing designs! The website is in French, which makes it that much cooler…and harder to read so Google is great for helping with the translation 🙂

I have a giant blog crush now. *adding to bloglovin*

Photos via Pshiiit


Filed under Beauty, Design, Fashion, Pretty

Rainbow Fishtail Brad How-to

I saw this video by Free People posted on Brushes & Burp Cloths and I LOVE it! Again with the neon hair colors! This needs to happen on my head real fast.

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